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HomeKnow your numbers-Erin Guyton | How to scale-Harmony Brown


Education Seminar


SAVE THE DATE: March 28, 2024
When: 8:00 am - 10:00am (PST)
Broadcast Live from Seattle Washington

Registration is Required

Free to Members with Registration

$25.00 for Non-Members due at Registration

Know Your Numbers with Erin Guyton

How to Scale your Home Inspection Business with Harmony Brown

Erin K. Guyton, MBA

Business Plan Writing, Pro Forma Projections, 

Market Analysis and Small Business Consulting

Erin Guyton of We Speak Numbers is a business storyteller and coach. She has written winning business plans for various industries including Pest Control, Real Estate, Home Inspection, and others in the retail, manufacturing, nonprofit and private equity sectors. She has privately coached over 100 inspection businesses in the past three years, and is the Financial Coach for Inspector Empire Builder. Most financial professionals speak one language and business owners speak another. Erin helps bridge that gap to lead her clients to a better understanding of what their business is telling them.

Phone: 301-606-2119

Harmony Brown


Harmony Brown's journey, beginning with founding GreenWorks as a small two-person​ startup and then growing it into a major player in Texas's home and commercial inspection​ industry, is a remarkable tale of vision, dedication, and leadership. Under Harmony'sguidance, GreenWorks has expanded its services to include structural engineering, environmental testing, and more, catering to a broad spectrum of needs for bothresidential and commercial clients across Texas.Harmony's passion for real estate and her commitment to providing comprehensive, client-focused services have been the driving force behind GreenWorks success. Herleadership has enabled the company to grow significantly in terms of its workforce, now boasting over 130 team member, with plans to grow to 185 this year throughout Texas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia and Ohio. This impressive expansion reflects Harmony's growthmindset and talent for identifying and seizing opportunities​. | P: 855-349-6757


(Call/Text): 817-209-5190

Connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

Erin Guyon will be discussing:

Caring for the vitality and sustainability of your business, whether you're a solo operator or part of a multi-inspector company, is crucial for success. Your business communicates with you through numbers, but delving into financial statements can be a perplexing and time-consuming task. Our presentation is designed to demystify financial literacy in a way that's not only accessible but also enjoyable. We'll get you up to speed, enabling you to confidently let your numbers steer you when making vital decisions about growth and spending.

Erin K. Guyton, MBA

Business Plan Writing, Pro Forma Projections, 

Market Analysis and Small Business Consulting


Harmony Brown will be discussing:

Valuing yourself as the authority on the home.
Charging great prices for that value. 

The clients we serve are making the largest investment of their lives. They don't need to save money on the inspection. They need a full diagnostic that only the inspector can give. That's usually a thousand dollars on average.

Charging a thousand dollars on average will be the normal in the next couple years, as the industry leaders have figured out, no one values free or cheap things.

Undervaluing Yourself and Your Contribution to the greatest investment in a family's life is not only wrong, but leaves you broke with no money to invest in your own future or the future of your business.

I would happily address poorly placed altruism too, as I do think inspectors have some of the biggest hearts of anyone in business.

Erin and Harmony will be available for a round table discussion following the days presentation. Join us for this FANTASIC opportunity!


12345 Lake City Way NE, #225, Seattle, WA 98125